On Thursday I leave for Graz, and so far I am not ready.
I still have boxes of stuff from college that have not yet been unpacked, and I still need to start packing for my trip. Luggage has been my biggest worry thus far. I still have not decided how many pieces of luggage I will be taking. Ideally I want to take only two bags: a backpack and my camera bag. However, it looks as though it will end up being three with an additional suitcase on rollers.
I would much rather not take the suitcase because I will be traveling after the trip, and the additional bag will be a pain to lug around everywhere.
I really need to start making reservations for hotels and youth hostiles after the program … but I still have not done that. I am a little uneasy about chiseling my post-program itinerary into stone although I already know I have to make it to Berlin by a certain date to catch a plane home.
The most worrying pre-exchange program activity is choosing gifts for the host family. During my last two exchange programs to Japan (Summer 2005) and Germany (Spring 2006) I spent countless hours looking for the perfect gift for the host family.
I always stress out on this because I feel like it should the perfect gift since the host family is putting up with me for an extended period usually at their own expense. I have a few gifts in mind for the family I will be staying with, but now I just need find them before Thursday.
James, invest in those space bag things so that you can consolidate your luggage.
Put an apple pie in one of the space bags, vacuum the air out, and present the apple pie-filled space bag to your host family. It’s very American.