Today I went with the group to Leoben. Leoben is a small city that lies about an hour train ride north of Graz. The city is a perfect example of a “typical” small Austrian city.
For history buffs, the city is perhaps most famous for the Treaty of Leoben signed by Napoleon Bonaparte in the city on July 1797.
All that said, there was not much to do in Leoben.
After a quick walk through the Kunsthaus (Art Museum), our teachers cut us free to walk around the city for a few hours. Really we did not need that much time since there was not much to do in the city. It was raining off and on in the morning so I ended up taking cover in a Pizzeria just off the Hauptplatz (city square) with a few people from the group.
I was very disappointed that the weather was so crappy because it would have been nice to be able to set outside on the Hauptplatz and eat. Despite the size of the city, it has a huge Hauptplatz that has a great view of a mountain in the distance.
Our final stop in Leoben was the Gösser brewery. Sadly, it was the most interesting thing that we saw all day. Before we took our tour, our tour guide let us try some Gösser beer with fresh pretzels. It was amazing. This was the first time that I had ever tried Gösser, and it is now my favorite beer.
Up to that point my favorite had been Puntigamer, but Gösser definitely blows it away.